What is the Feuerstein Method

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Cognitive Enhancement

" My kid already does this because I stimulate him/her a lot!"" Chromosomes don’t have the last word" 🤍

🌎 The Feuerstein Method is named after the Israeli Psychopedagogist, born in Romania, Reuven Feuerstein, and is used in over 40 countries worldwide and in a variety of contexts.

The application of the Method at an international level has shown that, at any age, any individual can change and enhance their cognitive abilities, thus improving the relationship with the environment. The Feuerstein Method teaches the ability to ... Learn to Learn. 🔺Education and Social interaction contribute decisively to the construction of cognitive skills and the development of the individual.

Structural Cognitive Modifiability (MCS) and Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) are the theories elaborated by Professor Reuven Feuerstein on which he based his method.

Feuerstein has shown that intelligence, a plastic entity that can be shaped over time, can be developed, enhanced and trained in the same way that we strengthen muscles, thus demonstrating that, if properly stimulated, the brain is able to change its structure and its functions (in neurophysiology we talk about brain plasticity). Therefore every individual is modifiable if adequately mediated. You are not born intelligent, but you become!

👉🏻Neither autism, nor aging, nor ADHD, nor brain injury, nor genetic conditions, and more, can prevent people from increasing their intelligence by improving their ability to learn.

Who is the Feuerstein Method for? ✅To all! The method was initially developed to develop the intelligence of children with learning problems or intellectual disabilities, or with Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), but is now applied not only to students, but also to adults, For example, workers who have to update themselves to new technologies up to management training, or elderly people with principles of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s...

The Feuerstein Method through the PAS (Instrumental Enrichment Program) works on strategies, not on content, nor on performance of the result, and can be used in all cases where it is necessary to increase performance.

✅The Feuerstein Method promotes and develops skills in the following areas: ▫️Concentrazione e attenzione ▫️learning processes ▫️reading and writing ▫️Interazione e Abilità sociali ▫️logic and reasoning ▫️Organization ▫️Memory ▫️Definizione degli obiettivi e pianificazione ▫️Ability of executive functions ▫️Impulsività ▫️Leadership skills ▫️Aging ▫️Etc

What is the flint method in practice? 🟢A series of pencil-paper exercises that do not have direct references to disciplinary content, but allow the mediator to stimulate a metacognitive reflection. Which is nothing more than a person’s ability to reflect on their cognitive processes and to be aware of them. In the educational relationship the Specialist does not give answers but directs and directs to the analysis of the thought processes put in place during the resolution of problems: The metacognitive awareness of one’s own way of learning allows to transfer in other situations the skills possessed or acquired in training and initiates the autonomous use of thought.

👉🏻Ways? Sessions with frequency of at least 2 times a week, depending on the need.

"The secret to success is not teaching content, but imparting learning and thinking strategies." Reuven Feuerstein was the Founder and President of the Feuerstein Institute. In 1992, Professor Feuerstein received the Israel Prize for Social Sciences. In 2012 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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