Naples: 1 Extraordinary Meeting with Dr. Mario Castagnini

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Naples- On 23 June from 17.00 to 19.30, in the wonderful setting of the Circolo Canottieri Napoli , with the Valuable Patronage of the City of Naples, and in particular the Department of Sport and Equal Opportunities, we invite you to the 1 extraordinary meeting with Dr. Mario Castagnini.

A great opportunity and a great privilege for our city and our community.

L’evento ,che ha l’onore di godere delle prestigiose collaborazioni con “arc i nostri figli Onlus” di Verona, e “Vivere per Amare – Live to Love Onlus"of Dr. Carlo Molino, is addressed to all professionals in the sector and in particular:

Basic pediatricians ,neonatal intensive care medical staff, Gynecologists, Midwives, Psychologists,Neurologists, Neuropsychiatrists, Physiotherapists, Physiatrists, Educators, Pediatric Nurses etc.

But also school leaders and support teachers regarding pervasive developmental disorders.

We will discuss about Prevention, Health and Care of the Child through the fundamental and timely early diagnosis from the very first months of life.

Prevent permanent damage, you can! How will explain it and tell us about it Dr. Mario Castagnini , Neurologist, Rehabilitator and maximum expert of neuro psychomotor development disorders.

An aperitif will follow on the terrace.

The event is free but your reservation is necessary. is necessary.
You can register by sending an email or a whatsapp message to our phone number that you can find here in the contacts or by clicking the Eventbrite link, which you can find below .