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Executive functions (EF) are a complex system of functional modules of the mind, which regulate the processes of planning, control and coordination of the cognitive system, and which govern the activation and modulation of patterns and cognitive processes.

EF are basically a series of mental processes that interact with each other to initiate thoughts and organize functional actions to achieve a purpose by providing us with the skills needed to manage behavior, therefore fundamental for the complex performance of all daily activities in every field, personal, school or work.

These are high-level abilities that require the participation of different brain areas, especially the prefrontal cortex, which is the most evolved part of the human brain.

The Basic EF: 

  • Working Memory (WM)
  • Inhibition
  • Cognitive Flexibility

And skills like: 

  • Focus Attention
  • Planning
  • Self Control
  • Monitoring
  • Time Management
  • Emotions Control

The use of executive functions is indispensable in all types of Problem Solvingnot only in the more complicated and abstract ones, but also in the acquisition of social skills, language and learning. They also allow us to make decisions and exercise control over what we do. 

EF develop during early childhood and coincide with the maturation of the frontal lobes, and continue until adolescence and early adulthood. 

So children were not born with functional executive abilities, but they were born with the ability to develop it.

Prof. Zelazo, proposed a division in Executive Functions “HOT” e “COOL”. EF "COOL" refers to those purely cognitive processes that are activated when the subject is struggling with abstract problems; EF "HOT" refers instead to the emotional-affective aspects of executive functioning, that is to the processes required in significant situations where the regulation of emotion and motivation are involved.

But FE can be compromised.

Le condizioni più frequenti in cui possiamo rilevare un Deficit delle FE sono:

  • ADHD 
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder 
  • Specific Learning Disorder (SLD), in particular, Dyslexia.
  • Senile Dementia 
  • Brain Damage
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders (such as Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder)
  • Substance Abuse (Alcohol, Drugs)

FE can be "trained". 

Prof. Reuven Feuerstein has been teaching us this since about 1950, with his theory focused on the definition of potential development and the concept of structural cognitive modifiability.

Each individual is an open system that can change, change and adapt regardless of age, socio-cultural situations and other conditions. 

With our educational programs and therapies and intensive courses of education and cognitive enhancement you are able to significantly improve any deficit of EF effectively and permanently improving the learning of each individual and his or her quality of life. 

Contact us for more information, feel free to sharing and keep following us.