I bimbi di Mario onlus in....Music!

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A very special day!
First meeting with drums and piano.

This afternoon we gave ourselves two hours of joy, conviviality, joy and lots of new music. Especially for the soul!

Music plays a very important role in the life of each of us, but with children and boys a little 'fragile, or children with autism or hyperactive does a really exceptional job stimulating both hemispheres of the brain.
It was amazing!

All these guys follow at home the protocol of the Mario Castagnini Doctor Dott.Mario Castagnini about the pervasive disorders of development and study instead, activities of the Feuerstein method combined with those of fine psychomotricity and Montessori (depending on the need and individual cognitive functioning).

When I chose to found an Association, this was the spirit I wanted to give it.
I bimbi di Mario Onlus It is not only a place aimed at the recovery of fragility through our valuable rehabilitation protocols and cognitive enhancement activities, or psychological support, but a place where those who enter can feel immediately, part of a new family.

I am very sorry for all the absentees, but we will make up for it with the next appointments.

Thank you so much for the professional and welcoming work of the school Laboratorio Musicale Aranciablu, you have made a difference!

Thank you very much to all parents.
You are Great!
But your guys are the best!
Dott.ssa Maria Signorile 😘