FSC Method

Facilitation of Cerebro potentiality Development


The FSC method - Facilitation of Cerebropotentiality Development - is a program scientific evidencedeveloped and codified by the decades of experience, with thousands of children in different parts of the world, of Dr. Mario Castagnini Neurologist and was born from the practice of techniques coming from different rehabilitation methods, especially that of Dr. Vojta, carefully revised and adapted with many significant variations.

The FSC Method is a neuropsychomotor therapy, on a neuro-psycho-evolutionary basis, evoking congenital or innate neuropsychomotor patterns, through suitable stimuli in adequate postures, for a sufficient daily time, identified in 20 min sessions four times a day, with the indispensable collaboration of family members adequately trained by the FSC specialist.

In essence, it is a facilitative and preventive Rehabilitation Therapy which is based on re- proposing to the child a whole series of neuropsychomotor schemes that are part of the innate package of natural learning. This is because a newborn child with neuro and psychomotor problems, regardless of what the cause is, cannot spontaneously have all the movement experiences of normal children. It is precisely this lack of experience that prevents the child's nervous system from learning to control movement.

The stimuli to be proposed to the little patient must be those capable of facilitating the adaptation to the physiological development both of its postural abilities and of its neuro and psychomotor initiative.
The stimuli to be offered to the young patient must only be those capable of facilitating the adaptation to physiological development of both their postural skills and their neuro and psychomotor initiative. In this way, the child's age is as close as possible to the dates of his neurofunctional development.

However, it is a physiological rehabilitation for a normal development of a child, so it can also be done to a child without particular neuropsychomotor problems.

In fact, it has no contraindications. On the contrary!

If, for no reason, but only for prudence, a therapeutic program is started, the child would not encounter "complications" of any kind. On the contrary: the proposed activity would only be useful and advantageous for the best harmonious development of the child.

In summary:
• It is not a medicine, but it is applied as if it were
• It does not require machines, just a suitable rubber mat
Why it works:
• Helps the child in his overall neuro psychomotor development: mental, emotional, psychological, problem solving, learning
• It has an effect on the organization or reorganization of the activities of brain neurons.
• It is intensive
• In every area of the child's life, the best possible environment is created to help him improve
The involvement of parents is a key to the success of the therapy: once trained, their ability to educate the child will favor the correct and healthy behaviors of the latterOnce trained, their ability to educate the child will favor the correct and healthy behavior of the latter.

You can cure developmental disorders!
But prevention is better!
Since it is essential to know and disclose as much as possible that an early diagnosis and the initiation of adequate therapy within the 3rd MONTH OF LIFE guarantee the best results, normalization or resolution of the problem.
Keeping in mind, however, that at any age it is possible to have optimal results.


The FSC method is aimed in particular at all children with developmental delays. But what does this definition mean? Developmental delays mean a wide range of "neurological disorders": cerebral palsy, genetic syndromes, autism, speech problems, behavioral problems, motor retardation, ADHD .. Unfortunately, these neurological disorders are still too often diagnosed by most of the "technicians" professionals in the sector, too late, when instead Dr. Mario Castagnini has shown that he can prevent and identify them from the very first moments of children's life. Let's see how.

Unfortunately, these neurological disorders are still too often diagnosed by the majority of professional "technicians" in the sector, too late, or sometimes even never, when Dr. Mario Castagnini has shown that he can prevent and detect them from the very first moments of life of children. Let’s see how.

Given that fortunately most children are born healthy, not everyone knows that the "2 per thousand" of the Italian population is suffering from infantile cerebral palsy.
This happens to all those people who have had, for various reasons, a brain suffering that has caused them to lose some congenital patterns of movement thus acquiring various disorders in neuro psychomotor development.

Studies show that 95% of children with developmental delays belong to one or more so-called risk categories.

The incredible fact is that of this 95% of the risk of infantile cerebral palsy, it affects between 44 and 64% of premature and retired children.

Here are the so-called risk categories. But please, let’s talk about statistical data, certified probability, not absolute certainty, so if you are part of one of these categories, we recommend simply a preventive visit that will relieve you of any future problems

1- Preterm births – Premature births. A newborn is defined as preterm if they are born before having completed 37 weeks of gestation, or rather before 259 days from the date of the last menstruation
2-Twin birth

3- Dismature births. Childbirth of a low-weight child (less than 2500 gr.)
4-Births with diabetic mothers
5- Births with mother having gestosis;

6- Dystocic parts (forceps, cupping glass, cesarean section)
7- Apgar index <3 at 1’ min and <7 at 5’ min. The attribution of the Apgar index score is one of the checks that obstetricians and gynecologists perform in the delivery room immediately after birth. They are based on the observation of 5 vital parameters (cardiac activity, respiratory activity, muscle tone, reflexes, complexion), which are absolutely indicative of the infant's capacity to adapt autonomously to the new life and are able to provide a first judgment of efficiency of the most important functions of their organism. Each of these five factors is assigned a score from 0 to 2, and their sum represents the Apgar index. The maximum score is, therefore, 10. The check is repeated at the first and fifth minutes of life.
8- Infants with seizures – convulsive crisis
9- Hyperbilirubinemia at risk - severe neonatal jaundice Jaundice, or the yellowing of the eyes and skin, is a very frequent phenomenon in the first days of a baby's life, especially if premature. The yellow colour is given by a pigment, bilirubin, normally produced and eliminated in our organism without visible traces. In severe neonatal jaundice, there is an increased production of bilirubin and, at the same time, a reduced capacity for disposal; as a result, we will have brain damage.
10- Hypoglycemic and hypocalcemic crises with neurological signs These crises significantly alter the balance of cerebral functions and nerve conductivity
11- Births with dirty or slimy amniotic fluid The danger of this situation for the child is easily understood.
12-Babies with active infection Newborns belonging to one or more of these categories could, therefore, have a higher risk for suffering from developmental disorders, and therefore, a diagnostic visit is recommended around the first month of life so that by the third, the problem has already been defined and the rehabilitation intervention can begin.

13- Births from mothers with other types of pregnancy at risk

For all these reasons we heartily turn to all parents and medical and paramedical staff in the figures of obstetricians, gynecologists, professional pediatricians in the neonatology wards, so that in the case of babies born to one or moreof these aforementioned categories, to advise them an immediate simple evaluation visit by an FSC certified therapist.
Through early diagnosis, permanent damage can be prevented!